About CEMS
Cumberland Emergency Medical Services (CEMS) is a municipal (Town) department which is the primary provider of EMS to the Town of Cumberland. The department deploys two transporting Paramedic advanced life support (ALS) level units 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and when staffing allows, deploys a third impact unit based on call volume. The Department also operates a non-transport Paramedic asset most weekdays. In the calendar year 2017-2018, the Department responded to 3,915 calls, as of May 29th, this fiscal year the Department has responded to 3, 612 calls. These numbers to not account for EMS mutual responses into the Town. The Cumberland Fire District (CFD), licensed as a basic life support non-transporting ambulance service, plays an integral role in the Town’s EMS system. The CFD serves as a first responder agency co-responding to all calls for EMS service throughout the Town.